
The Missing Critical Factor (Part 2)

The Missing Critical Factor (Part 2) When you change your thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, you change your body. You change your fertility. You enrich yourself and your fertility. For some of you, these statements will resonate. Others might be skeptical. You’ll ask, “How is this really possible?” While it may feel like “new science” to…

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photo of sunset in the marshes

The Missing Critical Factor (Part 1)

If biological systems were the only factors to consider, wouldn’t assisted reproductive technology success rates be higher? Wouldn’t you already be pregnant? 

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Anxiety and Depression Impact Fertility

Anxiety and Depression Impact Fertility We live in a culture that continues to deny the importance and impact of our emotions. Progress is happening, but shame is still interwoven through mental health diagnosis and crises. You only have to look at this summer’s Olympic Games and the outcry that accompanied Simone Biles’ decision to sit…

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Feeling positive?

Feeling positive? First, the “scary” news: A research study done with women who were going through IVF showed that the women who were more optimistic and hopeful had more eggs and went on to have more live births than women who were the least optimistic. I say this is scary simply because fertility is filled…

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a drop of water

What does conflict have to do with fertility?

What does conflict have to do with fertility? Let me start with a short story from a past client: “I’ve been getting your e-zine newsletter and have listened to several of your CDs as I underwent several IVF cycles. I am writing to you now as I watch my 3-week old twins sleep. Thank you…

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The best support for improving your fertility

The best support for improving your fertility As you work to create your family, having the support of people who truly understand what dealing with the rollercoaster of infertility is can be life-saving. But just as important is that you find a place within yourself where there is peace during this crisis, a place that you can…

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