Most of us have been taught to push and strive and DO in order to get what we want. And there is certainly a lot of DO-ING to do when you are trying to overcome infertility:
Doctor’s Visits
Charting Your Cycle
Medical Tests
Simply Learning the Language of “Infertility”
Reading Research
And Many, Many More
And yet, when you approach your fertility like any other project: push and strive, and research and wrestle it to the ground, your body responds in a way that is opposite to what it needs to be fertile.
This type of DO-ING approach starts with the premise that something is WRONG with you and unless you push and strive and MAKE a pregnancy happen, it isn’t going to happen.
What Happens to Your Fertility When You Take a Do-ing Approach
Your body responds to a Do-ing approach by activating the fight or flight response, which creates both cellular stress and stress you can feel. Both of these negatively impact your fertility.
In addition, when you use this heavy duty “Do-ing” approach, you end up only making use of a small portion of your Being: we are a mind, body, and soul Being, and with the DO-ING approach, you only utilize your MIND. You cut off access to your inherent wisdom, your connection with your Spirit. In other words, everything is harder to accomplish.
Conceiving is truly a miraculous event. Two individual cells from two different people merge and create a human. Yes, we have science, and yet, there is an element of something bigger. When you focus on having to MAKE a pregnancy happen, you exclude all the resources you have within you.
What is the Alternative to a Do-ing Approach?
A Be-ing approach to your fertility, on the other hand, allows ALL aspects of you to contribute towards your fertility.
A Be-ing approach to your fertility sounds something like this:
“Even though it is hard to remember at the low times, I know I am a fertile Being. I choose to stay connected to this deep knowing. I open to my Divine connection and to the knowing I will align with the resources, which will help my body achieve balance. I choose to align first, then act.”
When you use a Be-ing approach:
- Allows your physical body to direct its resources towards building best conditions for fertility instead of responding to fight/flight.
- You have access to your deepest wisdom and intuition; you co-create with the Divine/Universe.
- Creates the emotional chemistry within your cells that supports fertility.
- Creates peace and joy right now.
- Opens the energy center responsible for supporting fertility.
- Opens you to receive your child.
- Connects you with the specific doing/action steps that will support your specific fertility needs.
How do you do this when you’ve already spent so much time and so many resources? How do you do this when you’ve been so successful in the past with DO-ING to meet your other goals?
The Be-ing Fertile System
This self-paced system guides you from struggling to conceive to Be-ing Fertile. You’ll learn the seven core principles of Be-ing Fertile and begin to embody each of them, so you can shift out of a Do-ing approach and into a Be-ing approach. You will also learn how to clear the feelings and beliefs that keep you stuck in a “doing” cycle and change your underlying beliefs so you support your body and fertility in a brand new way.
As you embody each principle, you begin to shift your approach to your fertility journey. The journey becomes more about being in alignment with what you want (a baby) and opening your entire being to receive it.
In this system, you will learn how to:
- Connect with your personal Divinity, your personal wisdom, so you are accessing all levels of assistance for conceiving.
- Release the fear, anxiety, worry, and doubt that can plague you during your fertility journey.
- Shift from feeling exhausted, worn out and tired, to feeling alive, juicy, and full of potential — with or without a baby.
- Stop the time travel (to the past and future) and be in the present moment, so past experiences and future concerns don’t rule your day-to-day emotions, which will help your body stay out of the fight-or-flight response (which negatively impacts your fertility).
- Reconnect with the ability to expect and envision a baby while staying off of the rollercoaster of “when will it happen” or the monthly ups and downs.
- Build your trust “muscle.”
- Build your receiving ability, so you can be in receiving mode as opposed to Do-ing mode.
- Know how to step into Be-ing first, so your Do-ing comes out of inspiration rather than fear of not having a baby if you don’t do everything possible.
What You Receive as Part of the System
- The How of Be-ing Fertile Course This course contains seven modules; each module includes:
- 45-minute audio presentation on one of the seven core principles.
- An energetic healing and clearing exercise to help you begin to embody the principle.
- A meditation designed to root the principle within your mind~body~soul.
- Healing the Hurt Healing Exercises
The second and third parts of this system are designed to help you live the Being Fertile principles on a daily basis.
The tools in this section are all designed to heal and transform the most challenging emotions that come up during infertility and loss. The tools include healing exercises for specific emotions and experiences that have happened to you as you work to grow your family, as well as more general emotional healing options.
Learn how to allow the feelings that you typically suppress — like anger, jealousy, envy, etc. — to come to your awareness, so you can clear them and release them from your body. This makes space for your inner abundance, your inner environment, so you can tap into your innate fertility.
- Awaken Fertility Healing Exercises
As you clear out the old emotions and begin living the core principles of “Being Fertile,” you now have room to create new beliefs, which will help you amplify your inner fertile environment. The result? Your body will be in a growth state, which will support you to create your family and foster your innate fertility.
Use this part of the system and the tools provided to amplify and support your beliefs about what you want to fully align with your baby.
You’ll find tools specifically designed to connect you with inner abundance, and guidance that will help you harness your emotions and beliefs to achieve the family you seek.
- One-on-One Session with Jennifer
During this 30-minute session, you will be able to ask questions and/or to shift underlying patterns that are keeping you stuck and out of a Be-ing state. You may schedule this at any time.
Ready to Get Started?
Being Fertile System
Being Fertile Installments
3 payments of $100 / Month
(Installments: second and third payments made automatically 30 and 60 days after initial payment.)
As you begin to embody the core principles of Be-ing Fertile, you will start to feel more at ease, happier, and more in alignment with the baby you desire. Each of these states of Be-ing allows your body to restore its innate fertility and opens you to receive your baby.
If you have any questions, please e-mail me.
Fertile Blessings,
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