Struggling to Conceive Your Baby?

Transform your struggle into Being Fertile.
Get started with our free Being Fertile Meditation and
Introductory Presentation: The Science of Being Fertile.

    Common Fertility Blocks

    Common Fertility Blocks

    By Jennifer Bloome · July 17, 2024

    Common Fertility Blocks If you aren’t receiving what you want, chances are you have underlying beliefs that are keeping you from receiving in that area of your life. The unconscious beliefs are creating conflict with what you consciously want. Kind of like stepping on the gas AND the brake at…

    Do I really have to think about that?

    Do I really have to think about that?

    By Jennifer Bloome · June 26, 2024

    Do I really have to think about that? Dealing with infertility means becoming exposed to many really difficult topics. You are inundated with facts and figures about age and chromosomes. You experience first hand the heartbreak of loss – whether that is the loss of trust in your body, the…

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    Being Fertile System

    Most of us have been taught to push and strive and DO...


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    About Jennifer Bloome

    Welcome to Anji, Inc.! I am Jennifer Bloome, MSOT HWC, a Health and...


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    Activating Fertility

    Knowing the difference between conceiving and fertility changes...


    "It is not your job to make a pregnancy happen.
    It is your job to receive a pregnancy."

    Jennifer Bloome