Stressed about how stress
is affecting your fertility?

Introducing: Relief NOW!
An easy-to-use resource that will erase the stress
AND help you support lush, abundant, rich fertility
Stress depletes fertility (and there's a solution)
If you’ve been dealing with difficulty creating your family for some time now, this information will come as no surprise: dealing with infertility is depleting.
It depletes your body as you become hyperaware of every signal and sign.
It depletes your mind as you somehow find hope each and every month, only to have to pick yourself again and again and again.
It depletes your very spirit as you ask: why me? What more can I do? When will I finally get the family I want so badly?
Even though you get more and more worn out each month, the desire to have your family keeps you pushing, trying, and seeking that elusive piece of information that will be the ONE that gets you to achieve your family.
But, here’s the problem: The more you push, the more you deplete your body.
Fertility requires nourishment and openness and nurturing. Not depletion.
How do you nourish yourself during a time of sadness, pain, and frustration?
How you feel matters to your fertility
Your emotions create an emotional chemistry within your body. Your cells are constantly listening to this emotional chemistry to determine how to function and which DNA to turn on and off. When there is a fearful or stressful environment, they are influenced to be more in protection mode – not the mode for fertility.
But again – fertility treatments are depleting to your mind body and soul. How do you shift your internal environment of thoughts and emotions when what is going on in your “real world” is so devastating?
Relief NOW!
Relief NOW audios nourish your body, mind, and spirit opening your whole system up to abundant, lush, and rich fertility.
Relief NOW is a series of short healing audios designed to release the thoughts and emotions which lead to depletion and build up the thoughts, emotions, and beliefs which nourish your body, mind and spirit.
The content of the Relief NOW series was created from my years of experience working with women struggling with infertility and blended with an energy-based emotional release technique.
Relief NOW audios are for you if:
- You find you are swimming in stress about having a baby and don’t know how to let it go
- You know you want to add Mind/Body/Spirit work to your fertility journey, but don’t know how
- You want to have a more positive focus and feel like getting pregnant is possible, but you simply can’t anymore
- You KNOW you want to feel differently, but haven’t been able to do anything that keeps you feeling better
- You feel alone on this journey
- You feel like no one understands how you feel
- You want to change how you feel permanently
Here’s how they work
During each audio I will personally lead you through first releasing the negative thoughts, emotions, and beliefs you have about the specific topic and then building in the new thoughts and emotions and beliefs.
You will use the energy release technique EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique or Tapping), a very simple acupressure technique to release the negative feelings you have and replace them with more positive messages.
All you have to do is listen, repeat after me, and tap on acupressure points. I have made it as simple for you as possible.
But, don’t be fooled. This is an incredibly powerful tool that will literally change you at the cellular level.
This release technique works at the level of your subconscious, changing your “programming” at the deepest level possible. Once your programming is changed, your internal emotional chemistry will automatically be changed which allows the cells of your body to react differently.
Bottom line? You’ll feel better AND your fertility will be enhanced.
While doing this, I felt all of the emotions kind of bubble up and then I could really feel them disappearing. Afterwards, I just felt like a huge load was taken off of me!
During, I felt like FINALLY somebody knew how I was feeling. I felt relief to allow myself to let go of the emotions that have been bogging me down. After, I feel balanced...
I found that during the script there were moments when I actually felt release. It was a nice feeling to start to let go of something I have bottled up for several months. After the script, I felt as though I had come to a better place with my situation.
This script was like having a trusted friend remind me of everything I believe or should believe on this journey and may have forgotten or doubted at a particular time. It was very helpful and encouraging.
I really love how you have us actually tune into our emotions and sort them out. I think that there is so much emotion surrounding infertility, that sometimes we don't even know WHAT we are feeling. You help to identify that, narrow in on it, and then release it. I enjoy the actual recordings, but also love remembering some of your statements to use as I actually experience the emotions in my everyday life. Thank you!
The audios are a great way to get the help you need when you need it. Even though they don't require a lot of time to listen to them, they are very powerful.
The emotions I have about TTC vary from day to day. Some days I am more realistic/strong, but at other times I need to know that my worries and fears are normal - and also need a little support in dealing with them and getting "back on track". The audios are there for me to lean on when I need that support. 🙂
Relief NOW Program
What You Receive
The Relief NOW! program contains 10 EFT audios specifically designed to release the most common emotions related to infertility and build in the emotions and beliefs which support fertility. The audio track titles are:
- Balancing Hope and Hopelessness
- Fear of Time Running Out (getting too old)
- Releasing Jealousy and Envy
- Releasing Stress and Worry
- Releasing Sadness
- Releasing What’s Wrong With Me?
- Releasing Anger
- Releasing Shame and Embarrassment
- Releasing Failure
- Creating Rich Fertility
Each audio lasts between 15 and 20 minutes. During the exercises, you will be tapping on acupressure points and repeating the phrases that I give you at each point. Do them once and you will feel a shift. Use them again and again to get lasting support. They come with complete instructions – including a picture of the exact acupressure points to use as well as a full video introduction to EFT if you are new to the technique.
Remember: your entire reproductive system thrives on being nourished. That means that finding a way to *feel good* is important, even while dealing with the absolute rollercoaster of infertility.
Investment: $49
"I am so encouraged and feel like I can go through my next cycle feeling like a different person! Thank you!"
"I felt myself relating to the emotions described during the script and feeling relieved that I could talk about them. I spend so much time covering them up and feeling bad about myself for feeling jealous that it felt comforting to have someone/something to relate to."
Mary Lou
"EFT is new to me but I feel the audios can be very helpful to relieve stress, anger, fear, etc. When I listened to the audios I felt more relaxed and reassured."