What’s the ONE thing that will work?

What's the ONE thing that will work?

What’s the ONE thing that will work?

We all want it at one time or another. THE answer. THE technique. THE “thing” to DO that will give you what you want. THE “thing” you can just DO – preferably once – that will ease the pain once and for all, that will immediately provide the results.

How many times as you have tried to conceive your family have you closed your eyes and wished or prayed for “the answer”. “Just TELL me what to do and I’ll DO it. I just need to know what to DO.”

In reality, though, this is a trap. Actually, it’s two traps.

Trap #1 – If it isn’t big, it isn’t enough

This is a trap because it keeps you from seeing the small changes that you could make that together add up to the big result. You keep waiting for the big “thing” to do and ignore the other small messages that your body is giving you.

Why do we keep doing this to ourselves?

Small seems too easy. Small seems insignificant. Small feels like you aren’t really trying. If there was something small that could really affect your fertility, everyone would be doing it by now.

This leads directly into trap #2

Trap #2: DOING something external is more important than BEING something internally

Our culture puts a lot of emphasis on physical action. Emotions and feelings are something that are “nice” to change, but not really important.

In your body, you can’t get further from the truth.

Your cells are always listening to your emotions and your feelings. Your emotions create the cellular environment that determines what aspect of your DNA gets switched on or off. This same environment causes your cells to either be in growth mode or protection/fear mode.

Your emotions and your feelings are a vital part of your fertility. They are a vital part of aging. They are a vital part of every aspect of your health.

“The” Answer

Pay attention to the thoughts, emotions, and feelings that are swirling in your body. What can you DO today that will help shift those thoughts, emotions, and feelings that help you move from sadness, fear, anxiety to a more neutral or positive state of mind?

What small shift in thinking will help with this? You don’t need to shift from feeling deep sadness or worry immediately to being a “pollyanna” about your fertility. But, what is something small that you can change in your thoughts that will bring a sense of relief?

As you experience a small sense of relief here, and then another small sense of relief, and then yet another, you’ll begin to find that it gets easier and easier. You’ll find that you no longer have to work at it, the shifting will happen on it’s own. How different would day to day life be? How different would your cells be acting throughout your body? What impact could you make on your fertility?

You’ll notice that I did use the word DO. Physical action is an important part – you won’t get pregnant simply by sitting and feeling good. But, as you make your small shifts in thought, you’ll be more drawn to the types of physical changes that will help you discover the best path to your family.

Jennifer Bloome

Jennifer Bloome, MSOT, HWC is the founder and community leader of Anji, inc. and the creator of the Being Fertile System. The seven core principles of this system allow your body to restore its innate fertility and opens you to receive your baby. Jennifer is also the creator of the internationally recognized Journey of the Heart meditation series. Get started restoring your innate fertility with our free Being Fertile Meditation and Introductory Presentation: The Science of Being Fertile. Visit anjionline.com.