The power of letting go to receive your baby

The power of letting go to receive your baby
One of the fundamental skills in Mind-Body work is: Letting it Go.
What am I asking you to let go of? When I bring this up with clients, usually their first thought is that I am asking them to let go of their hope, their desire to have a baby. They feel like they are being asked to figure out how to be happy without a baby.
Here’s what I am really asking you to do:
Let it go – not the dream, but the fear
Let it go – not the desire, but the pain
Let it go – not the dream, but the judgment of yourself
Let it go – not the dream, but the thoughts about what happens if the dream doesn’t happen
So, in a way I am asking you to be happy without a baby…but not in the way that you might think
I am asking you to be happy, peaceful, open right now even if there is no baby.
Why is this so important?
Imagine holding something in each hand. Really tightly. In fact, if you have a couple of pens handy, pick one up in each hand. Hold on tightly. What happens if someone wants to hand you something? Now, drop them, or imagine dropping them. What happens? The pens drop and your hands stay open. As you let go, your hands automatically open, maybe even palm up, ready to receive something new
When you hold on tightly to your fertility – meaning you think about it all the time, you worry about it all the time, you think about what is going to happen if you don’t conceive or if it takes a much longer time, you have anxiety over the money or the type of treatment, or you are simply sad all the time – it is as if your body is holding on tightly, just like your hands with the pens.
You have constant stress signals in the body, physical tension in the body. Energetically speaking you are creating conflict because you are focused on what you don’t want. It’s not that you can’t conceive here, however it is the hard way – and your body has to work around the stressors.
What I want for you is to be in a place of open receiving.
Feel your whole body, your entire reproductive system open and ready to receive a baby.
What are you ready and willing to let go of in this moment?