
Is What You Know for Sure… True?

How often are you certain that you KNOW what’s going to happen?

I am not talking about the ‘crystal ball’ type of seeing the future. What I am talking about are the times when you are certain you know what the outcome of a situation is going to be:

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Why is “Relaxing” Important to Your Fertility?

When someone who has not experienced infertility tells someone who is currently having challenges to “just relax” the implication is: you’re overthinking this, you’re creating your own problem, if you just stopped worrying and fretting, then you’d get what you want (and oh, by the way, it’s easy to do all of this).

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Be More Effective in Your Mind, Body, Spirit Approach to Fertility

A Mind~Body~Spirit approach to fertility asks you to build your belief and expectation that your baby is on its way to you before you have any physical evidence this is true.

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