Inner Sanctuary for Fertility

Inner Sanctuary for Fertility
“Not merely an absence of noise, Real Silence begins when a reasonable being withdraws from the noise in order to find peace and order in his inner sanctuary.“
Peter Minard
Continuing with last newsletter’s theme of silence, I want to share today about inner sanctuary. This is one of the benefits of doing mind-body work – creating an internal space where you can escape from the roller coaster of infertility or the constant worrying that comes once you are successful.
Some people fight against creating this inner sanctuary because it feels that if you become more peaceful and quiet that people on the “outside” won’t be able to understand all that you are going through. They won’t understand all the hurt and pain and frustration and anger that infertility has brought you. They won’t understand about what infertility has robbed you of.
The truth is, that’s right. Apart from a few very empathetic friends or family members, they will never understand.
Here’s another viewpoint: Do they understand even when you are feeling the hurt and pain and frustration and anger and worthlessness? Is it worth holding onto these feelings so tightly that they literally tear you up inside?
Creating silence or creating an inner sanctuary does not invalidate your whole journey. Creating this place gives you a space where you can begin to heal the wounds that infertility has created. Creating the place gives you a space to go where you are in control and can begin to feel like you did before you began your journey.
After all that you have been through, don’t you deserve this?