What does “surrender” really mean anyway?
What does “surrender” really mean anyway? A common thought in the Mind-Body-Spirit approach to conceiving is that it is helpful to “let go” or “surrender.” I have clients tell me all the time they think they need to surrender because there are so many stories of people “giving up” and then they get pregnant. Surrendering…
Read MoreMore resources for your fertility
More resources for your fertility The result of a BEING fertile approach to creating your family is giving your body the resources it needs to come back into balance so that it can conceive. Focusing on BEING fertile requires a switch from motivation to inspiration. Motivation is pushing yourself to do something whereas inspiration is…
Read MoreYour fertility solution is unique to you
Your fertility solution is unique to you If you’ve been working on creating your family for a while, you know this next statement to be absolutely true: What works for one person doesn’t work for everyone. So how do you figure out what works best for you? How do you know what of the options…
Read MoreThe Final Steps to Work Through Disappointment
The Final Steps to Work Through Disappointment In the last 2 newsletters, I have been sharing the steps I give my clients who are dealing with disappointment at any level (a negative pregnancy test, a missed cycle that pushes out your next test or procedure, etc.) Disappointment or fear of disappointment can cause you to…
Read MoreWhat does conflict have to do with fertility?
What does conflict have to do with fertility? Let me start with a short story from a past client: “I’ve been getting your e-zine newsletter and have listened to several of your CDs as I underwent several IVF cycles. I am writing to you now as I watch my 3-week old twins sleep. Thank you…
Read MoreThe best support for improving your fertility
The best support for improving your fertility As you work to create your family, having the support of people who truly understand what dealing with the rollercoaster of infertility is can be life-saving. But just as important is that you find a place within yourself where there is peace during this crisis, a place that you can…
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